Sunday, July 13, 2014

18th Arrondissement: Montmartre and the Sacré-Coeur

It had been a couple weeks in to my summer here that I first ventured into what on previous trips had been my favorite part of Paris: Montmartre. We came around from the back of the Sacré-Coeur rather than climbing up the steps, which is in my opinion the best way to approach the hill. On the way up, cobblestone streets are surrounded by ivy and charming old buildings. The slower climb makes it more manageable, and the view at the top of the mount becomes a surprise.

Back pathway to Sacré Coeur: Interesting Site
 The streets of Montmartre are a lovely, unexpected side of Paris. 
Le Consulat: Commercial Business
 Le Consulat was featured in the 1996 Woody Allen film Everyone Says I Love You. 
 We found some delicious gelato on the way up! 
 I got some Stracciatella! Delicious! 
Sacré-Coeur: Architectural Object
 On the top of Montmartre stands the basilica Sacré-Coeur. The iconic structure is not as old as much of Paris, as it was only finished in 1916. 
 Here is a rare picture of all 5 roommates! 
 The views from the top are incredible! You can see all of Paris. 
We found this bit of street art on a pathway climbing down from the Sacré-Coeur. I thought comparing the Sacré-Coeur to the Disney castle was appropriate, given the enchanting nature of the neighborhood. 
 Climbing down from Montmartre can be just as enchanting as climbing up it. 
 I love finding street art in what seems like the most unlikely of places. The mix of old Paris and urban street art is a combination that I find very appealing.

 Moulin Rouge: Tourist Attraction
We stopped by the Red Light District to get a picture of the Moulin Rouge. I generally avoid this neighborhood for obvious reasons, but the Moulin Rouge is still a very popular location.  
Hotel SAFI: Two Star Hotel
This is Hotel SAFI at 2 Passage Lathuile, where double rooms start at 40 Euros. This hotel is further from Montmartre than many, but is very inexpensive. 

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