Sunday, July 13, 2014

17th Arrondissement: Place de Clichy and Parc Monceau

On an rare clear afternoon, we headed to Parc Monceau in the 17th arrondissement. I am constantly amazed by the parks in Paris. Like many of the incredible parks in the city, Parc Monceau is large and beautiful. 
Parc Monceau: Tourist Attraction

From the park, there are views of gorgeous homes outside the park. This neighborhood is a lovely place to stroll and look at gorgeous buildings. 
In a previous post, I mentioned the large beautiful drinking fountains found throughout Paris. This is the other common water fountain found in Paris. These are smaller, and also produce fresh water good to drink.
The park is full of surprises, like this miniature Egyptian pyramid! The park was created by Phillippe d'Orléans, the Duke of Chartres beginning in 1769. He wanted to create what was then called an "English Garden," filled with recreations of architecture from many societies across many periods of time. This explains many of the interesting structures found in the park. 
Jamie got a little thirsty and decided to test out the fountain. 

A pigeon perches on top of the statue of a young boy. There are numerous statues all throughout the park. 

Here is my favorite part of the park, the classical roman colonnade. 

There were also plenty of attractions for children within the park, from the carousel pictured above to playgrounds and a sandbox. We even saw children riding ponies! Overall, the park was beautiful, and would be perfect for a family outing. Also to be noted: there was plenty of grass to sit on, unlike many parisian parks. 

Place de Clichy: Architectural Object

After we left the park we headed to Place de Clichy. Above is a bronze statue dedicated to Moncey, the Marshall who protected Place de Clichy at the end of the First French Empire.
Street Art: Interesting Site
We found large, interesting street art all over the neighborhood. 

Interflora: Commercial Business

This little flower shop is a member of Interflora, a flower delivery network operating throughout 140 countries. 

On the same street, we found much more interesting street art! 

Hotel de Paris Montmartre: Two Star Hotel 
This two star hotel was located close by Place de Clichy, and is fairly inexpensive. Hotel de Paris has double rooms starting at 65 Euros per night. 


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