Saturday, July 12, 2014

15th Arrondissement: Beaugrenelle and the Statue of Liberty

For the past several days, it has been very overcast and rainy here in Paris. Because commuting in the city requires a great deal of outside walking, it can be very inconvenient and annoying. Only one thing makes up for the inconvenience; Paris is beautiful in the rain. 
 Jardin des Mères et Grand-mères de la Place de Mai: Interesting Site

Yesterday we left behind our cozy apartment and ventured out into the rain to visit a district close-by: the 15th arrondissement. It had mostly cleared up by the time we arrived in an area called Grenelle. Our first stop was Jardin des Mères et Grand-mères de la Place de Mai. This garden was created recently in 2007, in recognition of two nonprofit organizations: the Mothers of the Plaza de Mayo and the Grandmothers of the Plaza de Mayo. These groups are made up of Argentinian mothers and grandmothers whose children and grandchildren disappeared during the military dictatorship in Argentina from 1976- 1983. Tens of thousands disappeared. Some were shot, others exiled or held as political prisoners. The Mothers and Grandmothers of Plaza de Mayo are nonprofit organizations who have worked since 1977 to recover the missing individuals and return them to their families. 

 The garden itself is small and peaceful. 

 On the way to our next destination, we caught a glimpse of the Eiffel Tower.
 Beaugrenelle Mall: Architectural Object

Beaugrenelle mall is located on the Seine, with views of the Eiffel Tower from inside. The mall holds 110 stores and a large food court, as well as a movie theater.

 The colored glass design in the roof of Beaugrenelle slightly alludes of the architecture of Galleries Lafayette. The design of the mall is very modern, however. We found Beaugrenelle very clean and comfortable.
 Eleven Paris: Commercial Business

 Replica of the Statue of Liberty at Pont de Grenelle: Tourist Attraction

After leaving Beaugrenelle, we found our way to Pont de Grenelle. The original Statue of Liberty was a gift from France in 1886 and had originally been assembled in Paris before being shipped overseas. Though there are several replicas throughout Paris, Pont de Grenelle is the location of the largest replica of the Statue of Liberty in the city. This replica stands at almost 40 feet tall, facing the original statue in New York Harbor.
Hotel Ideal: Two Star Hotel
Hotel Ideal is located just a short walk away from Beaugrenelle and Pont de Grenelle. Double rooms start at 89 Euros.

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