Tuesday, July 8, 2014

12th Arrondissement: Bastille and Promenade Plantée

Yesterday we visited the 12th arrondissement. Our first stop was Place de la Bastille. Here, we found the famous July column that stands in place of the Bastille prisons, which were stormed and taken down starting July 14th, 1790 during the French Revolution. This upcoming monday is Bastille Day, so this was an ideal time for a visit. 
 July Monument: Tourist Attraction
 L'Opera Bastille: Architectural Object
L'Opera Bastille is also located in Place de la Bastille. While not the only Opera house in Paris, L'Opera Bastille stands out architecturally for its modern design. Most of the Operas in Paris are shown at L'Opera Bastille.
 Librarie la Sirene: Commercial Business
Stop at local bookstore Librarie la Sirene to browse a large selection of books! 
 This is the train station Gare de Lyon. Most trains leaving from this stop go toward the South of France.
Promenade Plantée: Interesting Site

Our next stop, and my favorite place in the 12th arrondissement, is promenade plantée. This walkway was made from an old elevated railway. Now it is a popular place for locals to stroll, run, or just relax on a park bench.

 From the walkway, there is a prime view of the gorgeous parisian rooftops.
 Gardens along the way make the walk very pleasant.
 Locals are often seen sitting on benches reading and catching up with friends.
 The views were stunning. Promenade plantée is the ideal place for a park bench picnic.
 Some Parisians prefer to squat and read.

 Here is a view of the walkway from the street.
 We found this little tea shop right off the walkway. It was sweet!
Hotel de Reims is located right off an entrance to promenade plantée, a beautiful location. Double rooms start at 79 Euros a night. Like most of the outer rim arrondissements, the 12th is large. Hotel de Reims is centrally located, and would be a convenient but quiet place to stay for a visit.


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