Thursday, July 24, 2014

10th Arrondissement: Caserne Vérines and Bellushi's

The 10th arrondissement includes two major train stations, Gare du Nord and Gare de l'Est, and therefore is a major hub for travelers. The district is filled with hotels, many very cheap. In this district we saw more two star hotels than anywhere else in Paris. Bordering the 11th arrondissement, the 10th is also full of business activity. 

Caserne Vérines: Architectural Object
This is the caserne Vérines, a former military barracks, which now houses the French Republican Guard and faces the Place de République.
Le Café Pierre: Commercial Business
 Le Café Pierre is a classic parisian cafe. There is perhaps nothing more parisian than enjoying a cigarette over a glass of coffee at a café. Though cigarettes are not for me, I do enjoy a nice cup of coffee in a pleasant environment, and there are few places as charming to sit as a parisian café on an enchanting street. 

Belushi's Bar: Tourist Attraction
One of two St. Christopher's hostels in Paris, this location is very close to Gare de Nord. Underneath the hostel is Bellushi's sport's bar. We spent several nights in this location of Bellushi's this summer watching World Cup games and eating hot wings. Bellushi's is surrounded with two star hotels, because of its proximity to Gare du Nord.
Croix-Rouge Francaise: Interesting Site
 We found a french Red Cross close to Place de Republique.
 What an interesting window display!
This church is one of several remaining churches originally built for the monastery of Saint Martin des Champs. Its medieval architecture is older than most of Paris!
Keep an eye out for the word "soldes," meaning sale. French shops are only allowed to publicize two sales each year, so all stores have sales in July and January. There are two major waves of sales in July. The first major sale starts out early in the month, and then prices increase again for the middle of the month. During this time, the sale continues, but the best sales come toward the end of the month!
République Hotel: Two Star Hotel
République is a two star hotel close to Place de République, and the Saint Martin des Champs church pictured above. Double rooms start at 60 Euros. This is a great location and great price!


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